Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Our Debt Free Journey

This is a really hard post for me to share with the world. I've never considered our debt "overwhelming", I always assumed if we could make the monthly payments, then we were good. After coming across Dave Ramsey, I've learned that that's not the case. If you have to set up monthly payments on something, you CAN'T AFFORD IT!!

That was my wake-up call. About a year ago I bought his book, "The Total Money Makeover" and it completely changed the way I viewed money. I spoke with my husband about it, but he was not as gazelle intense as I was. He brushed it off, he didn't want to talk about money at all. I've tried my best for the last year to get us ahead by bringing us out of debt. But without his help, I felt like a hamster in a wheel. 

I was about to give up. Just throw in the towel!! BUT....I heard on Dave's podcast that they were going to have a Smart Money Event in Los Angeles. I just knew that if I could get my husband to that event, it would blow his mind. 

Getting him to agree to go was tricky. I had to bribe him :(  lol. Well, we negotiated and he was allowed to spend some money on a new tattoo in exchange for going to the event with an open mind and a smile on his face. 

Two weeks after we made our deal, I found out that my church will be facilitating Dave's Financial Peace University classes. I was so excited again!! This time instead of bribing my husband, I simply mentioned it to him. He suggested I go alone and then teach him what I've learned. Eventually he came around, and we will be starting FPU on March 13th. 

God is doing amazing things for us. I just know that this is going to be our year. 

I've come to my blog, in order to keep me on track and motivated. Maybe people will see this, maybe they won't. If I can help someone, GREAT, if not, at least this is helping me. I will be discussing different topics, such as couponing, budgeting, frugal living, family fun, and of course, our debt free journey. 

I am beyond thrilled to start this new adventure in our life. 



Friday, March 27, 2015

Thank you Time Hop for inspiring me to start blogging again.

It's been a long long time since I've blogged. The last time I posted on my last blog ( I was a stay at home mom of my one and only child Logan. So much has changed since then.

Mommy and Logan

Logan is now six years old and enjoying ever minute of being in first grade. He loves his teacher, he loves his friends and he even enjoys reading and math. He has grown into such an amazing little man.


Lincoln arrived a couple years after I stopped blogging. He's 3 years old, and full of life and energy. He is completely different at this age then Logan was. He challenges me daily.

I am no longer a stay at home mom. I work full time for the company my dad owns. I am the one and only office staff so I have do tons of multi-tasking. Luckily, I blessed enough to work for a company where I can bring Lincoln to work with me daily.

As amazing as my job is, it is not my forever-job. I am currently attending CBU with the intent to go into teaching. Yes, our life is busy. But it is amazing and I am so blessed.

Recently after seeing one of my old blog posts on my time hop app I was inspired to write again. I spent hours reading through my old posts and missing my blogging days. I was not able to continue using my old blog since I could not remember the password :(  So here I am.